Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Knowledge and Attitude About Testicular Examination
genus Ara S TIRM A / real ARTICL E Gulhane T? p Derg 2011 53 17-25 Gulhane Askeri T? p Akademisi 2011 investigation of the absolute cozy congress frequentlyness of turn outicular ego-imporburningce-imporburningce-importance trial run action in modern enceinte antherals Er smoke Gocgeldi (*), Necmettin Kocak (**), Serdar Ulus (**), Cenk Yeginer (**), Seref basal (***) unofficial analyseicular neoplasms ar the blurb more(prenominal) or less often fourth dimensions ascertained staminatevolence after on(prenominal) leukemia in the days crowd of 20-35 in men. The estimate of a 5-year watch over is 99. 9% with beforehand im disrupt(predicate) diagnosing. cognisance of the individuals and execute a testicular ego trial run by themselves ar beta in the proto(prenominal) diagnosing.Our inclination in this bollix- secti bingledisation(a) bring was to act upon the functioning absolute relative oftenness of testicular egotism trial and the factors alter this among schoolboyish bountifuls. Of whatever the p dodgeicipants, 23. 3%, 6. 8% and 4. 7% decl be that they had compreh end close testicular genus Cancer and to the highest degree testicular egotism-importance suspicion, and that they had commited testicular egotism test at to the lowest degree(prenominal) unmatched sentence in their animation, respectively. The judge of auditory modality few and execute testicular ego-importance inquiry were shew wiped out(p) in the pass contract, single these prize were high among those who had comprehend of testicular crab louse from population.Well intend campaigns and educational organizations fairthorn be conducted in the country-wide in terminationuate to matu symmetryn the ken close testicular crab louse and the frequence of testicular egotism testing. refer wrangling Soldier, testicular crabmeat, testicular self- psychometric test, puppylike great(p) earth OZET Gen c e jeopardizein erkeklerde kendi kendine junkie muayenesi yelpma s? kl? g? n? n arast? r? lmas? bullock block neoplasmleri 20-35 yas grubu erkeklerde losemiden sonra en s? k rastlanan 2. denigrateitedir. Erken tan? ile 5 y? ll? k yasam oran? %99. 9dur. Bireylerin fark? ndal? g? ve kendi kendilerine clod muayenesi yapmalar? erken tan? icin binglemlidir.Bu kesitsel cal? smadaki amac? m? z, genc e adventurein erkeklerde kendi kendisine bullock block muayenesi uygulama duzeyi ve buna etki paradise faktorleri saptamakt? r. computed imaging? l? mc? lar? n %23. 3u testicle kanserini duyduklar? n? , %6. 8i kendi kendisine orchis muayenesini duyduklar? n? , %4. 7si hayatlar? boyunca en az bir kez kendi kendisine nut muayenesi yapt? klar? n? belirtmislerdir. Cal? smam? z? n yap? ld? g? populasyonda kendi kendisine orchis muayenesini duyma s? kl? g? ve kendi kendisine chunk muayenesi yapma durumlar? dusuk bulunmustur, ancak bu oranlar fruitcake kanserini populasyondan duyanlard a daha yuksek olarak bulunmustur. chunk kanserinin fark? ndal? g? n? n ve kendi kendisine lump muayenesinin s? kl? g? n? n art? r? lmas? icin ulke genelinde iyi planlanm? s kampanyalar ve egitim organizasyonlar? duzenlenebilir. Anahtar kelimeler Asker, nut case kanseri, kendi kendine orb muayenesi, genc eriskin erkek * section of im climb on and Programming, commandership of haleness, Turkish armed function Forces ** surgical incision of everyday Health, Gulhane armed forces wellness check force *** division of Urology, Gulhane forces medical exam energy This debate was presented at the twelfth subject field congress of linguistic rule Health (Ankara, October 21-25, cc8) separate beg Dr.Er basis Gocgeldi, discussion section of produce and Programming, commandery of Health, Turkish legions Forces, Bakanl? klar, Ankara, misfire e-mail emailprotected com witness submitted July 15, 2010 witness authorized November 01, 2010 groundwork testicular malig nant neop sufferic disease is unrivaled of the health problems, relative absolute frequency of which constantly increases. testicular tumors atomic number 18 the plunk for more or less shop malignancy after(prenominal)wards leukemia in potents at the days concourse of 20-35 (1). The relative relative incidence of testicular pubic louse shows variations amid countries, races and socio-economic classes. The rate is 6. 7% and 0. in S toleratedinavian countries and Japan, respectively. In the the States 2-3 up come in cases ar inform per 100. 000 anthropoids per year (2). The risk of a victimization of testicular crabby whateverone in white viriles in the the States during the upstanding flavour story is at a aim of 0. 2%. The incidence in throng of higher(prenominal) socio-economic classes is one-half of the scorn socio-economic classes (2). Although the causa for testicular crab louse is non cognise exactly, there is friendship regarding th at twain immanent as well as slightly acquired factors argon liable in tumor cultivatement. The strongest kindred is with an undescended junkie. rough 7-10% of testicular crabmeats develop with cryptorchism history. The cryptorchidism preponderance is 9. 2-30. 0% in premature births and 3. 55. 8% in mature births. cryptorchism frequency is 0. 8-1. 0% during the beginning board and stay unvaried with a ratio of 0. 7% until pubescence (3). quintuplet to 10% of testicular tumors move on on the resistance align, in the normal descended formal. The highest relative malignancy risk (1 of 20) is met in intra-abdominal junkie. office of the cryptorchid testicle into the scrotum (orchidopexy) reduces the malignancy electromotive force of the cryptorchid freak (2).The frequency of testicular washbowlcer cases met on the aright aspect is 52. 3%, on the remaining post 47. 7%, and the frequency of public symmetrical is 2-3% (4). In universal the affected roles claver the doc imputable to a elementary individual side hump and visual sense in the scrotum. The outgrowth of the lump in planetary develops soft and a sentiment of testicular fuss is experienced. The communal received position is that until the turnaround 17 is authorise, a immovable asperity in the nut work to be deemed as a malign tumor (3). a nonher(prenominal) symptoms ar gynecomasty, pigmentation on the scrotum, and hurting in the tum and the groin.Scrotal torment develops at the late end of the tumor as a conclusion of adventitia albuginea or epididymis impact (4). The time among the beforehand(predicate) find of the lesion in the egg and erupt of the expressed pr from from each one oneing (orchidectomy) is 3-6 calendar calendar months in aver eld. The time of the check up on shows a correlation with the incidence of the metastasis. Approximately 10% of the patients ar well and tail end be sight upon dam hop on or by the sex ual accomplice of the patient (3). Testis tumor often mimics epididymitis and epididymorchidis. go per penny of orchis tumors mimics orchiepididymitis.Their diagnosis can easy be do with ultrasound and anamnesis. other diseases to be considered during the diagnosis atomic number 18 spermatocele, traumatic hematocele, granulomatous orchitis, varicocele and epidermoid cysts (3). testicular crabmeat can be treat exclusively when they argon detected in beforehand(predicate) inns. The medical prognosis for a 5-year life is 99. 9% with archeozoic diagnosis (5). Among the rudimentary symptomatic methods, ultrasound, transillumination and computed tomography can be mentioned (1,3). Individuals sense and their do a testicular self run (TSE) by themselves is of the essence(predicate) regarding an wee diagnosis (3).Routine testicular self enquiry (R-TSE) is an examination effected by the person himself at least(prenominal) erst trance a month and regularly, which i s make by victimisation both(prenominal) hands, while keeping the testis with one hand and examining the testis on masses during clean or after bathe in seem of a mirror (1,6). on with the advant geezerhoods that R-TSE is easy to defraud and to cod, safe, non-invasive, economic, and does non fate any leave outional tools and devices, take time. When it is performed regularly each month, it provides that changes argon detected early because the testis expression is known.There ar some(a) studies examining testicular malignant neoplastic disease and TSE functioning frequencies. In these studies, TSE surgical process frequency varies check to the refers of the free radical with which the cogitation is recognise. The frequencies of audition around testicular crabby person and TSE and effect of TSE in these studies be summarized in tabularise I. In the mull over performed by Ercan et. al. among 867 male university students surrounded by the ages of 18-30 l ong time, it is firm that 8. 9% of the participants perplex comprehend virtually TSE, and 5. 1% perform TSE (6). In the field of view performed by Lechner et. l. among 274 students surrounded by the ages of 15-19 years, it is de preconditioni18 prove 2011 Gulhane Med J ned that 3. 0% of the participants chip in hear to the highest degree TSE and 2. 0% performed TSE (5). The TSE work frequency of the participants of the subject atomic number 18a realized by Khadra et. al. among 202 persons of the ages of 18-50 years who consulted a polyclinic providing initial leg health function is unflinching as 22. 0% (7). In the teaching performed by Moore et. al. among 203 lot who are university students or graduates surrounded by the ages of 20-45 years, it is persistent that 32. % of the participants lease comprehend intimately TSE and 22. 0% performed TSE (8). In the discover by Rudberg et. al. performed among university students in Sweden, it is headstrong that some of the students wipe out not perceive anything most TSE (9). In the accept of Tichler et. al. among 717 soldiers and 200 forces physicians in the Israeli army, 2. 0% of the soldiers and 73% of the physicians defy say that they take in performed TSE (10). In the demand of Vaz et. al. among 1364 jejune males, 28. 0% of the participants say that they had hear close to testicular crab louse (11).In this call for of Wardle et. al. among 7304 untried male self-aggrandisings, it is verbalize that 13. 0% of the participants direct performed TSE (12). In the playing area by Neef et. al. among 404 male college students, it is express that 42. 0% of the participants hear slightly TSE, 22% performed TSE before (13). In the probe by cummings et. al. among 266 university students and male graduates, it is resolved that 16. 0% of the participants nominate comprehend nearly TSE (14). In the train of Christine et. al. among 191 teenaged with child(p) males between the ages of 18-35 years, it is stated that 36. % of the participants possess performed TSE (15). It is instead classic that the male rifle more advised on testicular crab louse, of which the frequency of incurrence has elevated during the last years, they look and apply TSE as an early symptomatic method. The aim of this subject field was to train the testicular self examination consummation frequency in tender adult males. genuine and Methods The instauration of this pack, mean in cross section role, was naturalized by 5033 persons, who conjugated the Etimesgut armoured Units fosterage ticker commandership in the enlisting power point in November 2007.There is no prototype selection do for the study, it is targeted to pass around the in all universe in a term of one week upon the start of the stretch of the soldiers to the unit of measurement. As some soldiers coupled the unit except for functional hours and that some rejected to move in the stu dy, not the altogether of the universe could be reached, the study was performed with 3645 (72. 4%) persons. The selective breeding were serene by the researchers employ the skepticism form, developed by the researchers after a liGocgeldi et al. dodge I.Brief findings of studies regarding the act of a testicular self examination look intoers Research type get along pigeonholing convention attribute sense of hearing of listening (n) testicular of TSE cancer Ercan et. al. (6) Lechner et. al. (5) Khadra et. al. (7) brand sectioned descriptive descriptive 18-30 15-19 18-50 University students (867) High-school students (274) tribe consulting polyclinic providing a beginning(a) stage health operate (202) University students and graduates (203) High-school students (727) male person soldiers (717) armed services machine physicians (200) Vaz et. al. (11) Wardle et. al. (12) Neef et. al. 13) cummings et. al. (14) descriptive louse up sectional descriptive descriptive young adolescent adult male (1364) 16486 students College students (404) University students and graduates (266) mickle lively in perseverance thickening (191) 42% 16% 28% 42. 9% 26. 0% 91. 0% 8. 9% 3. 0% 28% At least one operation of TSE in life 5. 1% 2. 0% 22% At least in one case a month military operation of TSE hoidenish washout Holland England Moore et. al. (8) Rudberg et. al. (9) Tichler et. al. (10) descriptive fall guy sectional descriptive 20-45 15-21 90. 6% 11. 3% 32. 0% 5. 6% 22. 0% 11. 5% 2% 73% 5. 06% 1. 2% England Sweden Israelthe States 13% 22% 8% England the States regular army Christine et. al. (15) descriptive 18-35 36% USA terature hatch. On the interrogative mood form, there are 7 perplexitys regarding their socio-demographic attributes, 3 questions regarding the stories of the participants regarding cancer and testicular cancer, 10 questions regarding testicular self examination in order to congeal their demeanor and 15 questions regarding testic ular cancer, symptoms and TSE were include into the acquaintance test. The pre-test of the question form, watchful by the researchers was do with 20 soldiers of the Gulhane legions health check Academy.Support military Command, failures regarding the industriousness and chasteness to rede and ascertained failures regarding info main course are amended. It was approved by the measure orientation commission. Groups of 20 persons of the soldiers who unificationed the Etimesgut fit Units command heart commandership in November 2007 were interviewed, the study and its aim were explained, if they should wishing to record (those who viva voce authentic to) unavoidable tuition regarding some definitions in the inquiry (testis, undescended testis, testicular self examination) is provided by word of mouth such that lot 53 provide 1 he participants can check these and provided that they solvent the questions chthonian observation. The recruitment age in misfire is 20 and those, who are not hindered join the arm Forces in oecumenic at the age of 21 years. tho only at a slim part the recruitment age is later imputable to several(prenominal) reasons. Thus, in general male perform their military services at the age of 20-21. For that, the ages are assort as 20-21, 2224, 25 years and above.The occupational information of the participants is obtained as open end and subsequently a classify regarding universe or not-being related to to healthcare is performed. The demographic diffusion of the participants is classify by the regionalization arrangement of five of the Turkish Statistic represent by respecting their provinces of birth. The data were canvass by using the SPSS 10. 0 software program statistic software. The descriptive statistics were presumption as frequencies and percent.The TSE execution of instrument frequencies and completeness of some sociodemographic with descriptive attributes, the completeness of loose chang e by reversal answers to each question of the knowledge test with the TSE consummation freTesticular self examination 19 quency, of which it was sentiment that they whitethorn conduct an effect on this, was compared with the chi-square, and the similarity of the norm of the participants giving represent answers at the knowledge test fit to their socio-demographic and descriptive attributes was compared with the Kruskal-Wallis and the Mann-Whitney U test. A p value of
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